Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What are side effects of laser resurfacing?

Immediately after the procedure the following can occur:

-  Redness: this skin discoloration is transient and usually resolves in a few hours.

-  Pain. In generally, the majority of individuals have no pain after the laser treatment. For the mild pain that does occur in a few individuals, any over the counter pain medication may suffice.

-  Swelling: the swelling is generally mild when the laser is applied for a short time. During longer procedure, facial swelling can occur and be noticeable. One should apply a cool compress and sleep with the head elevated for the first 24 hours after the treatment. This will reduce the swelling by the next morning.

- The skin may feel dry after laser therapy. This dryness may persist and lead to peeling or flaking of the skin. In most cases, this can be prevented by liberally applying a moisturizing cream.

I should warn you that many people also develop devastating permanent complications like burns, keloids, scars and even persistent pain.

1 comment:

  1. Last year, I personally underwent a laser skin Toronto treatment and no side effect appeared. I was lucky to find a talented and skilled doctor and so the results were absolutely amazing. I'm looking now much better and younger!
