Friday, December 10, 2010

Pelleve another Hyped Laser for Skin Rejuvenation

The first thing consumers should note is that almost every week there is a new laser for skin rejuvenation. In addition, each one is said to be the best. Fact-whenever there are many products for the treatment of a single disorder, it usually means that none of them work. Now we have the pelleve light treatment which the manufactures claim can tighten your skin. All over the country, doctors, nurses, plastic surgeons and spa workers are now offering Pelleve treatments. The claims are that Pelleve is a safe treatment, will erase your wrinkles and make you look young and pretty.

Now the facts- pelleve is no different from any other laser. It delivers heat which stings like crap and is very expensive. There is no laser treatment that can make your skin look completely wrinkle free and the same goes for pelleve. Most people need several sessions to erase the fine lines. Moreover, of course each session is expensive. Pelleve is not a permanent cure for wrinkles. There is nothing on this earth that will ever make you look young again. The results of pelleve last a few months at best. The cost of Pelleve runs anywhere from $750-$2,000.

Therefore, for those who have money and want to look young, pelleve is just another laser-like treatment for skin rejuvenation. There are also several reports on the internet indicating that Pelleve is a complete waste of money. For those who do not have money to waste and want to look young, keep away from the sun, do not smoke, eat healthy, exercise and save your hard-earned money for other more important things in life. Finally, if you do decide to seek pelleve treatment, remember every tom, dick and harry is performing lasers treatments. What this means is that for every one wrinkle-free look, many others develop severe and permanent complications – chiefly due to unlicensed and poorly trained technicians.

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